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What’s Your Plus?: How to Stand Out When You Graduate College

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Autographed paperback by Vihan Khanna.  Length: 100 pages

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Stand out when you graduate

Discover insightful interviews

Effectively manage your time

Start a side hustle or business

Balance school or work with your life

Essential takeaways

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What others are saying


Vihan Khanna

Getting out of college with a degree is the easy part I have found. Being able to build value for yourself is where the real work begins. This book is a great starting point for first time entrepreneurs as the skills required to make yourself stand out as an employee AND a company are similar in the start up phase.

-Mikey Chambers

Amazon Customer

I wish I had a resource like this when I was leaving High School and going into the work force. I learned a lot of things the hard way and this book is a great resource for anyone looking to advance their career at a young age. The book is written in plain English and has actionable tips. Easy read packed with value.


Amazon Customer

This is a very easy to read book. Everything is clearly stated, no rummaging required to find the relevant information. Vihan has given great pointers for college goers, high schoolers, and adults. Everyone can benefit from this book. Easy read packed with value. Lots of work went into this!


Amazon Customer

This is a very easy to read book. Everything is clearly stated, no rummaging required to find the relevant information. Vihan has given great pointers for college goers, high schoolers, and adults. Everyone can benefit from this book.

-Yogi M

Amazon Customer

Perfect book for the college student looking for balance in their life or the young entrepreneur looking to seize on opportunities today


Amazon Customer

There is always so much genuity in first hand experience and Vihan has been able to share his insights very well thru this book. A must read for everyone!


Amazon Customer


Author Vihan Khanna discusses how an undergraduate degree is often no longer enough to stand out when applying for your first job. Vihan shows YOU how to make it in the real world by truly following YOUR passions, and making the most out of your college experience.

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